The flash season 4 episode 5
The flash season 4 episode 5

the flash season 4 episode 5

What exactly was the point of the Caitlin/Ralph subplot? This show’s consistent inability to do anything compelling with Caitlin from Season 4 onward never ceases to frustrate. Nora’s supervillain alliance worked well, but the rest of the episode proved less successful. He’s an almost necessary supporting character as Barry grapples with the pressures and uncertainty of fatherhood. This episode highlighted how unfortunate it was that Martin had to drop out of the picture for so long this season. Martin on hand to dispense some of Joe’s patented fatherly wisdom. Neither party was made to be the bad guy, and both accepted that mistakes were made and the time had come to move forward. All in all, this episode wrapped up the current Nora/Barry rift in a satisfying way. And the ultimate reveal - that she undertook the entire heist solely to steal a weapon capable of stopping Cicada - proved a satisfying culmination to her story.

the flash season 4 episode 5

While the Negative Speed Force clearly exacerbated her deteriorating relationship with her father, Nora never came across as anything more than a morally conflicted outcast. Fortunately, this episode took a more even-handed approach. The teaser trailer raised some concerns, making it seems as though Nora would be transformed into a petulant, whiny villain through her exposure to the Negative Speed Force. I was also pleasantly surprised with the way Nora was portrayed here. It’s good to see a greater willingness to keep reusing these supporting villains and slowly add more layers to characters who maybe don’t stand out enough in their debut appearances. This episode did a better job of showcasing the demented creep beneath the mask and exploring how he views his superhuman crime sprees as art. It felt as though writers Sam Chalsen and Joshua Gilbert were intentionally drawing more inspiration from Gail Simone’s Secret Six comics in terms of his portrayal, and not just because Simone herself was name-dropped early on. The latter character in particular fared much better in his sophomore appearance. The team-up in this episode still feels like a pale shadow of what the show might have accomplished early on, but it still found solid entertainment value in having Nora forge an alliance with Weather Witch, Bug-Eyed Bandit and Ragdoll.

The flash season 4 episode 5